Research & Development

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Our company is committed to providing high quality R&D solutions. For research and development projects in microbiology, genetics and bioinformatics, we carry out DNA sequencing of the samples as well as the evaluation of the obtained the results.

For DNA sequencing, we use Thermo Fisher Scientific’s next-generation Ion Torrent method, which allows massively scalable, parallel sequencing, providing an excellent solution not only for research but also for industrial development applications.

Next-generation DNA sequencing

IT analysis of Ion Torrent-based DNA sequencing results

We use statistical analysis and artificial intelligence-based systems to process DNA sequences submitted by our clients. We can produce databases and visualisations of the analysis results at our clients’ request.

The Ion Torrent process combines a semiconductor-based sequencing technique with natural biochemical processes to convert the results of chemical processes into digital signals.

The operating principle of the semiconductor chip used in Ion Torrent sequencing is similar to the sensors of digital cameras. While the sensor of a digital camera is made up of pixels that convert visible light into digital information, the essence of the units that make up the semiconductor chips of Ion Torrent is to convert the result of the biochemical processes that take place during sequencing into digital information in the following way:

We use statistical analysis and artificial intelligence-based systems to process DNA sequences submitted by our clients. We can produce databases and visualisations of the analysis results at our clients’ request.

The Ion Torrent process combines a semiconductor-based sequencing technique with natural biochemical processes to convert the results of chemical processes into digital signals.

The principle of operation of the semiconductor chip used in Ion Torrent sequencing is similar to the sensors in digital cameras. While the sensor of a digital camera is made up of pixels that convert visible light into digital information, the units that make up Ion Torrent’s semiconductor chips are designed to convert the results of biochemical processes that take place during sequencing into digital information in the following way:

(1) The double-helix of the DNA sample is separated, and the resulting DNA strand is then broken down into tiny fragments.

(2) Each DNA fragment gets attached to a specific sequencing bead. The DNA fragments are then “copied” until they cover the surface of the sequencing bead.

(3) The sequencing beads are placed in the microreactors of the semiconductor chip (i.e. small wells on the surface of the chip). These wells are then successively filled with each of the 4 basic nucleotides (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine).

(4) Whenever – upon reaction with a polymerase enzyme – a nucleotide gets incorporated into the DNA chain, a hydrogen ion is released. The release of the hydrogen ion causes a change in the pH of the microreactor cell, which is detected by the “pixel” of the semiconductor chip. The pixel converts the change in pH into a voltage value, which is used to determine whether a nucleotide has been incorporated and, based on the magnitude of the voltage change, to determine how many consecutive base pairs have been formed by the same nucleotide.

(5) Ion Torrent’s semiconductor chip can do this simultaneously in millions of reactor cells, allowing different DNA fragments to be sequenced in parallel, rapidly and in extremely large quantities.

From a business point of view, the key advantages of Ion Torrent-based sequencing are that, while maintaining the reliability of classical DNA sequencing, it offers a much more accurate, faster, easier and more efficient, scalable and simpler way to produce DNA sequences. Another important advantage is that Ion Torrent-based sequencing is highly applicable to a wide variety of DNA sequencing applications.


We carry out the sequencing of the DNA sample you provided / produced as part of our own sampling


In addition to classic analysis procedures, we can analyze DNA sequences using the latest high-tech bioinformatics and Big Data procedures as well

Our partners

With the expertise of leading Hungarian universities

We are proud to maintain an active relationship with Hungarian universities active in the field of genetics and microbiology.


Our key partner in the field of DNA sequence analysis:

Department of Genetics and Applied Microbiology,
Institute of Biotechnology,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Debrecen (Hungary)


Support for research in genetics, developmental genetics, molecular biology, genomics and enzymology


Development of high-tech bioinformatics solutions

Research and Development with Trilobita

Phases of our R&D projects

R&D Project planning

In the R&D project planning phase, we help our clients find the most optimal use of resources. We prepare the financial and technical design of the project and prepare the proposal for the selected funding scheme.

Applied research

In the applied research phase, we prepare the necessary research plans. We carry out and document the series of experiments based on our research methodology.

Evaluation of research results

We evaluate the results of the series of experiments using various data analysis methods and prepare the research summary document.

System Planning

Based on the research results, we design the systems for our customers. We use our own system design methodology and tools for the planning.

Development and testing

Our development methodology combines elements of classic waterfall and agile methodologies, flexibly adapting to the needs of the given client and project. The efficiency of our development and testing work is further enhanced by a number of our already tested, ready-to-use system modules.


After the completion of our R&D projects, we always provide follow-up and support services to our customers for the solutions we have delivered. Our goal is to establish successful, long-term partnership with our clients.

We believe that every hour spent on design pays off many times over in the implementation and roll-out of our systems.  Our ergonomically designed user interfaces provide our customers with a new user experience and ease of use.


(+36) 1 220 6458

Nagy Lajos király útja 117.
H-1149 Budapest, Hungary