Our Solutions

TriProject – Project management solution



The TriProject project management solution is a multi-project management component that can bring together all the activities related to the management of an organisation’s projects, providing a powerful decision support tool for the company’s management.

Our solution includes activities related to both the pre-project lifecycle (e.g. proposal management, contract management) and the post-project lifecycle (e.g. customer service).

Using our system, multiple projects can be managed and monitored in parallel within a single uniform framework.

Hyperproject, project, process, sub-process, milestone

During every project, a unique project product (product, service or result) is created during a predetermined period of time. In our system, projects are made up of processes and sub-processes and are usually based on preliminary planning, the key part of which is resource planning and management. Each project has a separate data sheet in our system, which uniquely identifies the project and also provides the opportunity to monitor the status of each project individually.

TriProject handles hyperprojects separately, which are not real projects, so no time, resource, financial or result dimensions can be assigned to them. Hyperprojects contain aggregate data for the projects assigned to them.

A milestone is a process type object for which the start and end dates coincide, and which is always preceded by a process. It is usually a reference point that is crucial for tracking the progress of a project.

Recording plans and results along four main dimensions


(1) Time dimension

      • Planned schedule
      • Actual execution rate

(2) Resource dimension

      • Planned human/material/infrastructural resources
      • Actual use of human/material/infrastructural resources

(3) Financial dimension

      • Cost side of the budget
      • Planned/actual part of the Costs
      • Revenue side of the budget
      • Planned/actual part of Revenues

The above data are further supplemented with extrapolation values ​​calculated by the system for both the cost and revenue side.

(4) Outcome dimension

      • Mandatory result (documentary result)
      • Project outcome (documentary result)

The result calculation is done by weighting the individual result factors.

Resource planning and management

To manage resources effectively, the first step is to define resource pools – resource types organised into units from the client’s perspective. The attributes fixed for resource pools (e.g. unit cost, capacity, availability, etc.) are inherited by the individuals belonging to that pool.

When planning the resources for a project, we can select from the different types and then, after the rough planning, the necessary resources are reserved during the allocation process. Resource planning can be done with different distributions; the availability of each resource can be tracked using the resource reservation map.

In the case of human resources, the use of strict or flexible working time records and/or the use of working time fact sheets can support the optimal use of resources.

Other options:

      • skill management
      • management of resource certificates

Extrapolation, redesign

With the help of continuous project monitoring, deviations from the plan can be detected in time and can be dealt with by extrapolation or redesign.

Additional options:

      • baseline treatment

Management of project documents

With the help of continuous project monitoring, deviations from the plan can be detected in time and can be dealt with by extrapolation or redesign.

Additional options:

      • baseline treatment

Multi-company management

There are multiple versions of the TriProject system – Standard and Enterprise. The main difference between them is the resource management. The enterprise version of the TriProject solution is designed to meet the multi-project management needs of companies or groups of companies with large subsidiaries or divisions. It achieves this by managing the resource base of each subsidiary separately, with only those authorised to a certain project being able to allocate resources from different resource pools to common projects. In addition, the databases of each subsidiary are segmented, so that employees of one company cannot access the database of another company in any way.

Which solution do I need?

We believe that every hour spent on design pays off many times over in the implementation and roll-out of our systems.  Our ergonomically designed user interfaces provide our customers with a new user experience and ease of use.



(+36) 1 220 6458

Nagy Lajos király útja 117.
H-1149 Budapest, Hungary