Our Solutions

TriWorfklow – Process management

TriWorkflow Enterprise


Our workflow support system solution is designed for large and medium-sized companies where production or other activities are based on well-defined processes, and the accurate, timely and documented completion of these processes is critical to the operation of the company.

Complex administrative workflow support

Our system supports the definition, implementation and monitoring of both strict and permissive workflow processes.

Through the introduction of our TriWorkflow solution, key processes become fully automated, and deadline fulfillment is ensured through a multidimensional mechanism (deadline management, task notification, escalation management).

Process planning and management

Company processes are mapped along a multi-level process structure (main process, process, partial or sub-process, task, subtask).

The system supports the following activities during the process definition phase:

  • serial execution,
  • parallel execution,
  • and mixed execution;
  • the branching and collection points,
  • the embedded processes as well as
  • the formation of feedback loops.

After the process definition is completed, we have a chance to test the process before the actual start. Process definitions can be modified with appropriate authorization. (These modifications are automatically logged by the system.) Process versioning ensures that the process is always started with the last saved process definition.

Processes can be started automatically if the appropriate start parameters are met, or (typically) even manually when starting ad-hoc processes.

Management of responsible persons

For each level of the defined processes, we need to assign individual responsibilities. The owner can be a specific user or a group of users. Once the workflow has been started, the person responsible is notified in his/her worklist or by an e-mail notification that a task has been received.

Deadline management

The deadline management offered by TriWorkflow supports the definition of deadlines at both process and task level.

Escalation management

In parallel with the definition of a workflow, it is also necessary to develop escalation mechanisms to deal with delays. These mechanisms can be automated, based on the organisational hierarchy or individually parameterised. After escalation, the process can only be continued once predefined data have been provided.

Task allocation – resource optimization, priority management

A task can be assigned to a single user or a group of users. In case of group task allocation, the task automatically falls under the responsibility of the employee with the least workload. For tasks requiring special professional competence, the selection of the responsible person is supported by a preliminary competence test. In order to optimize the efficiency of work processes, we can assign priority levels to tasks.

Task notifications

Each user can individually receive immediate or delayed e-mail notifications about tasks assigned to them, according to their own settings. (Notifications sent by the system are equally suitable for display in a mail client, smartphone or tablet!)


  • Sending a notification when a new task arrives
  • Sending a reminder when a new task is due
  • Sending a notification of an overdue deadline (both to the person responsible and to a superior)

Substitution management

In the event of an absence, the substitution management built into the system allows you to specify individually and/or centrally which member of staff should replace the absent colleague. The substitute colleague automatically inherits all the rights and tasks of the substituted one. The tasks carried out during the period of the replacement (belonging to the substitute) will be clearly indicated in the data that the substitute has carried out the task.

Reports, queries, monitoring

Our system allows continuous, real-time monitoring of all processes initiated in the company. Authorised senior staff can query the status of processes and tasks belonging to them and their subordinates, according to their roles, using various reports.

  • Average reporting times to completion – process, task, subtask level
  • Average waiting times – process, task, subtask level
  • Average time delays – process, task, subtask level
  • Total time tasks per user
  • Total delays associated with a task (per a given time frame per user)
  • Status reports – per user, per user group

All reports in the system can be exported directly and printed.

Interoperability with process modelling systems

In the context of individual projects, we can combine our TriWorkflow solution with external process modeling (ViFlow) or process definition systems (ARIS) according to our clients’ needs, thus realizing an integrated enterprise process management architecture.

Additional features

  • Process versioning
  • Ad-hoc process start-up option
  • Connecting/linking of processes
  • Attaching documents and other files to processes and tasks
  • Advanced search options
  • Management of forms
  • Management dashboard

Which solution do I need?

We believe that every hour spent on design pays off many times over in the implementation and roll-out of our systems.  Our ergonomically designed user interfaces provide our customers with a new user experience and ease of use.



(+36) 1 220 6458

Nagy Lajos király útja 117.
H-1149 Budapest, Hungary