Research & Development

IoT data collection technologies

IoT data collection systems based on Industry 4.0 are playing an increasingly important role in monitoring various assets and complex systems cost-effectively in real-time, helping to optimise system operation, thereby increasing production efficiency and competitiveness.

IoT-based Real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring

For simpler systems, the use of medium-range LoRaWAN and Sigfox IoT technologies and communication protocols using 868 – 918 MHz frequencies may be sufficient, but for complex systems it may be worthwhile to build local area networks and combine low-range, low-power Bluetooth (BLE) devices with long-range GSM data communication devices to achieve maximum cost and energy efficiency.

In our R&D projects, we are increasingly building on cost-effective Industry 4.0-based technologies such as data communication using ultra-low-cost LoRaWAN and Sigfox IoT modules. These technologies help to keep the cost of the systems being developed low, allowing the new opportunities offered by real-time monitoring to be exploited economically on an industrial scale.


Local systems based on a combination of ultra-low-cost LoRaWAN and Sigfox communication protocols


GSM-based communication with the central server


Data processing and visualisation with state-of-the-art tools: AIF, Kibana, Sencha EXT JS

RFID-based real-time inventory

RFID-based inventory management

RFID-based inventory and product tracking is nothing new to the industry. However, currently widespread RFID systems typically use readers with fixed-characteristic antennas and passive RFID tags. A major drawback of these systems is that they cannot dynamically adapt to their environment.

Due to the frequent movement of materials in multifunctional logistics centres, products that absorb or reflect the radio waves emitted by the reader may be placed near the reader units, resulting in a failure to scan the tags.

Based on the related literature and the available systems, the causes of this problem are (1) frequent product movement, whereby products may be placed outside of the space covered by fixed range readers, (2) the presence of various signal shielding materials in logistic centres and warehouses. These materials are typically the various metal equipment (the shelving systems themselves), possibly the machinery and furniture in the buildings, or goods stored in bulk (e.g. food) stored on pallets.

In our latest research, we plan to design a new warehouse shelving system with circularly polarized antennas and integrated RFID readers with characteristics adapted to the geometry of the shelving systems, which will allow a highly accurate scanning of RFID tags on different products. Our research aims to design a warehouse shelving integrated RFID reader system capable of dynamically adapting to its environment without physical movement by changing the operational directionality characteristics of the circularly polarized antenna clusters mounted on the readers, providing optimal and selective coverage in the cold storage area.

We hypothesize that by integrating multiple circularly polarized antennas of LHCP and RHCP types in a cluster, it is possible to design antenna clusters that reduce the dead space of RFID reader units and adapt the characteristics of the shelf-integrated antenna modules to the geometry of the shelving systems and the reader environment. It is also believed that the use of antenna types with narrower sensitivity angles associated with higher gain can be effective in providing targeted and selective coverage.


Automated real-time inventory management using RFID


RFID reader systems for any logistics centre

Research and Development with Trilobita

Phases of our R&D projects

R&D Project planning

In the R&D project planning phase, we help our clients find the most optimal use of resources. We prepare the financial and technical design of the project and prepare the proposal for the selected funding scheme.

Applied research

In the applied research phase, we prepare the necessary research plans. We carry out and document the series of experiments based on our research methodology.

Evaluation of research results

We evaluate the results of the series of experiments using various data analysis methods and prepare the research summary document.

System Planning

Based on the research results, we design the systems for our customers. We use our own system design methodology and tools for the planning.

Development and testing

Our development methodology combines elements of classic waterfall and agile methodologies, flexibly adapting to the needs of the given client and project. The efficiency of our development and testing work is further enhanced by a number of our already tested, ready-to-use system modules.


After the completion of our R&D projects, we always provide follow-up and support services to our customers for the solutions we have delivered. Our goal is to establish successful, long-term partnership with our clients.

We believe that every hour spent on design pays off many times over in the implementation and roll-out of our systems.  Our ergonomically designed user interfaces provide our customers with a new user experience and ease of use.


(+36) 1 220 6458

Nagy Lajos király útja 117.
H-1149 Budapest, Hungary